Tras Bambalinas- Programas anteriores (Descárgalos y disfruta de nuestras RepresentaEmisiones)

Programa 335 5 Marzo 2018
Invitados: Maru Villafán y Andrés Naime (Broadway a la 6ta Temporada Homenaje dedicada al Mtro Marco Villafán)

Programa 273 3 Octubre 2016
Enlace Telefónico: José Manuel López Velarde (El Último Teatro del Mundo)

Programa 271 19 Septiembre 2016
Enlace Telefónico: Ximena Nava (Fin de Temporada de Dirty Dancing Mx)

Programa 270 12 Septiembre 2016
Invitado: Marco Anthonio (El Teatro en México y sus Protagonistas)

Programa 268 29 Agosto 2016
Invitada: Ivette López (La Moda en el Teatro: Distinción y Estilo)

Programa 267 22 Agosto 2016
Invitados: Silvia Villaú y Tomás Padilla (Inicia nueva temporada de Jekyll & Hyde en México)

Programa 266 15 Agosto 2016
Invitado: Gilary Negrete (Se amplía la temporada de La Sra Klein en Foro La Gruta, Centro Cultural Helénico)

Programa 261 11 Julio 2016
Invitado: Salvador Ignacio, Nina Contla, Cristopher Martínez (Rescatando a la Niña y Mis Mejores Amigos)

Programa 260 4 Julio 2016
Invitado: Abel Fernando (Actor y cantante con más de 27 años de trayectoria artística)

Programa 259 27 Junio 2016
Invitada: Mónica Sánchez Navarro (Heredera de una gran tradición y excelencia artísticas. Platicamos con ella sobre su legendaria trayectoria)

Programa 258 20 Junio 2016
Invitada: Estibalitz Ruiz (Talento, juventud y disciplina. Reconociendo a nuevos talentos del Teatro en México)

Programa 257 13 Junio 2016
Tema: Ganadores de los Tony Awards 2016 en NYC y algo más

El video Musical de la Semana

Video recuerdo de la función de estreno en 2015 de BROADWAY A LA 6TA.
(Crédito del video: Andrés Naime en Youtube)

domingo, marzo 27

Marzo 27: Día Mundial del Teatro

A continuación, reproducimos el texto original que explica el origen de esta magna celebración, organizada por el International Theatre Institute, organismo avalado por UNESCO.

World Theatre Day - 27 March

World Theatre Day was created in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI). It is celebrated annually on the 27th March by ITI Centres and the international theatre community. Various national and international theatre events are organized to mark this occasion. One of the most important of these is the circulation of the World Theatre Day International Message through which at the invitation of ITI, a figure of world stature shares his or her reflections on the theme of Theatre and a Culture of Peace. The first World Theatre Day International Message was written by Jean Cocteau (France) in 1962.

It was first in Helsinki, and then in Vienna at the 9th World Congress of the ITI in June 1961 that President Arvi Kivimaa proposed on behalf of the Finnish Centre of the International Theatre Institute that a World Theatre Day be instituted. The proposal, backed by the Scandinavian centres, was carried with acclamation.

Ever since, each year on the 27th March (date of the opening of the 1962 "Theatre of Nations" season in Paris), World Theatre Day has been celebrated in many and varied ways by ITI National Centres of which there are now almost 100 throughout the world.

Each year a figure outstanding in theatre or a person outstanding in heart and spirit from another field, is invited to share his or her reflections on theatre and international harmony. What is known as the International Message is translated into more than 20 languages, read for tens of thousands of spectators before performances in theatres throughout the world and printed in hundreds of daily newspapers. Colleagues in the audio-visual field lend a fraternal hand, more than a hundred radio and television stations transmitting the Message to listeners in all corners of the five continents.

(Fuente: )

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